Much will be said of the state of American politics in the wake of this attempted assassination attempt, however, the so-called assassin was a 20 year-old male. Surely the questions have to be asked as to what drives someone as young as this to do such a heinous act.

I believe much attention should be focused on the algorithms found an all forms of social media channels. It’s easy to see that a minor obsession with firearms, and another that focuses on the so-called evils of Donald Trump could culminate in an avalanche of horrific material resulting in a failed attempt to “save America“.

The same FBI that has had so many notable recent investigative failures will of course come up with whatever the current regime requires.

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Very much so; a boy really and yet now dead after a terrible action. Very much to look at how this came about including social media.

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As you might expect, conspiracy theories are rife, many along the lines it was planned, a false flag, a set up and so on. I think the observation that immediately dispelled that notion for me was the ex-sniper who noticed that if Trump hadn’t turned his head just a millisecond before the shot was fired, it would have been fatal.

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It is scary to even contemplate his actually being assassinated. I think we will see many more conspiracy theories as well as victim blaming.

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Unfortunately life have been claimed with this attempt, violence in all formats must be condemned regardless of the current political climate. I am also keeping a close eye on how this will shape the upcoming election.

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The media and Trump's opponents have run a 'hate Trump' campaign. Nancy Pelosi in particular, saying Trump 'must be stopped'. Those who protest against 'hate speech' have been the ones to employ it the most - we see the results.

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Yep, lots of rhetoric has contributed to this. I am perhaps too hopeful, but would hope yesterday's events cause US politicians and commentators to calm their words.

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I think that you're wrong in claiming that this event will not shift the vote because few Democrats will switch to Republicans. That last part might be true but that is not how the system works.

I think that perhaps you have too much faith in the democratic system, at least in its current American form. An election is not a measure of the popular will. Even if the electoral system works perfectly with no under the table shenanigans it will only ever be a measure of the will of the people who ACTUALLY TURN UP.

This is where the shooting could really move the needle in favor of Trump. The apathetic and demoralized who just don't think the system can change may become motivated to get out on election day. The number of those who think Trump is a terrible threat to America has probably peaked, but the number of stay-at-homes who will become get-out-to-voters will probably increase. Those people will most like go Trump, no Blues turning Red requited.

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Quite possible. I think many scenarios but my first thought, as written yesterday, was that it may not have the dramatic impact that some commentators are arguing. However, your make an equally possible outcome.

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Simon, Your perception of where it is worth directing your writing efforts is way off beam.

As you rightly say, “An enormous amount of ink is going to be used to discuss today’s assassination attempt on Donald Trump.” Therefore, what you have to say, as an ex-MP at the bottom of the world, is rather irrelevant and, frankly, not actually worth reading.

Instead, you could have spent your time promoting an immediate moratorium on the Covid vaccine. This weekend, the Ministry of Health and its surrogates were paying people to be vaccinated! This crime against the people of New Zealand has to stop. And you are in a privileged position to be heard on the subject. You are, I presume, still a member of the National Party. You will still have a network of colleagues in the party and in the House of Representatives. These are the people you should be focussing on, as well as with media releases, to call a stop to the continuing carnage and deceit.

Trump’s life or death means little to the vaccine injured and the relatives of those killed by the vaccine. They need your support, whereas Trump can get along quite well without you.

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All due respect, you miss the point. Ask the question who facilitated Covid?

If you answered American special interests then unravel the money trail to discover some very troubling truths about Covid and the people who profited from it.

Now look at the corrupt politicians and officials and decide who is the more likely candidate to do something about this cabal - Biden or Trump?

The solutions you are seeking from NZ politicians and officials cannot happen as you wish. Global control structures will not allow it.

Sorry to burst your bubble.

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Fair comment. It would appear that even in New Zealand, ALL politicians are corrupt and lack decency and integrity - and that does not change when they become ex-politicians. I had always hoped that a few might be different, but even people I knew and respected before they went into Parliament immediately had a personality and behaviour change. The team that shows them their dossier of blackmail and extortion material is very effective, causing them to immediately fall into line and betray everything they used to stand for. Andrew Bridgen (UK) is the only exception that I know of.

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