In my opinion there will be no second term with Mr Luxon at the head. I cannot imagine him ever having an epiphany moment of actually hearing the coalition majority, including those who voted for him about what really matters. For sure the economy matters but it is economic waste by the Government public service that matters more. The Treaty principles matter. Gender matters. Immigration matters. National identity matters. Racism against non Māori matters.

We need a leader who gets this.

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If I might, you have to ask yourself that ‘if’ Luxon was replaced, would things actually change on such matters?

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Towing the Party Line is a problem! Is there a 'visionary' in National at this time! Simeon Brown? Or are they all WOKE?

National needs to re-introduce itself to the Bible & 'Biblical Principles'!

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True. National has to go.

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I see little hope for our country until the back of the Mediocracy (ie Public “Service”) is well and truly broken.

Just as in the 80’s it became clear that prosperity and progress were incompatible with militant unions with a stranglehold on the economy, it is now abundantly clear that only a government prepared to break the stranglehold of the Bureaucratic Beast can change our downward race relations and economic trajectories. Should that ever come to pass I will have little sympathy for the severe impact on all those currently sucking the Beast’s teats - in their Holier-than-Thou way they have pushed their luck too far for too long helping themselves to my hard earned money and imposing their reactionary views on me because they could.

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I think it is still early days for this Government, not so much for Luxon. I think he is taking advice from John Key, one of the most useless leaders we’ve had in recent times. A steady as she goes attitude will not do, this Government was elected to affect urgent change! Carpe Diem, get in boots and all. If Labour and the other racists come back in 2026 we are stuffed!

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The Trump Administration, their ideology, & what they DO, will benefit the 'right bloc' here in New Zealand!

The 'social, economic & cultural lunacy' of the Left as a result will be further exposed! There is going to be an unravelling of many people's perceptions & concepts they have carried for years about how this world functions & what has been going on behind the scenes!

However bad a job Luxon is doing, especially in regards to the 'Treaty Principles Bill', which has large support among National voters (approx 62% averaged out across the Three Principles), will probably be forgiven by some when considering the alternative on offer!

In a recent poll, Labour's support for Principle 3 was at 60%!

David Seymour & ACT will probably come close to, if not pipping National, creating an interesting scenario for Governance!

Furthermore, the media are going to be exposed for their incredible bias, misreporting, not reporting, & the type of censorship they have been involved in!

Overall the future is looking brighter, but still a 'few rainy spots' persisting!

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I like the analogy of brightness but a few rainy spots :)

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I think definetely YES. It may well be that the greens, TPM are unelectable and a coalition of National, ACT and even elements within Labour might form.

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Time will tell eh! I think a key aspect is Labour - if they can stabilise, speak to the middle ground and drop some of their more woke ideas, then they could gain traction. Then there is how much of National’s vote goes to NZ First for example, or ACT.

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Totally agree. Not sure how in touch he is with ordinary Kiwis' lived experience. BTW I am a PR specialist -- if ever it would be useful, happy to help.

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I am thankful but a little concerned for a second Trump administration. Like for an example, Mr. O’Connor, I did not like that Trump wants to drill for oil and mine up fossil fuel as that can drastically rise up our sea levels which would mean people would go ahead and fight one another for land if that happened, which I do not want to see in the future. What I do like is Trump acknowledging there are only two genders: Male and Female, and actually making sure we are aware that the saying from the Christian bible; “All men are created equal” goes for men and woman, if you know what I am saying.

It is unfortunate that Christopher Luxons Government has not gotten us out of debt but I still have faith he can do it. I also don’t ever see myself voting Labour, Greens, or TPM, especially Labour since they were the reason for voting down my school Mt Hobson Academy to be a specialist partnership school.

I could talk with you on a whole lot of things with you, Mr. O’Connor. Maybe we could arrange a time and chat in a cafe one day this year.

All the best,


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Thanks for your thoughts Harrison and hope our path crosses this year! Hope things are begun well for you.

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New Zealand along with all Western Judeo-Christian based nations have to take a good hard look at themselves, realising that we have taken a 'huge cultural shift' to the 'atheistic, materialistic Left'! Christians included! It's called worshipping Mammon! Mt 6:19-33

Due to a lack of applying Jesus teachings on the 'individual, family, society, nation & world levels', Mt 28:18-20, rust & entropy has kicked in, with not enough 'energy & investment' being put into the system based on sacrificial love! 1 Peter 2:5

Without the 'talents' being invested & multiplied, we are going to have a vacuum being filled by 'selfish physically centred desires' as in the Garden, where lack of self-control & discipline have allowed our physical mind to dominate our spiritually inclined mind! Fallen desires took over the body & plummeted us into a 'downward spiral' from knowing God, to NOT knowing God!

Herein, politics aside is our fundamental problem! Not knowing God's Will we have deluded ourselves with 'superficial adherences' to religion & religious beliefs which have become 'rituals, rites, & remembrances', NOT actual PRACTICE & ACTION! Dan 11:32, Rom 2:13, James 2:14-26, Lk 8:21.

We have 'stumbled over rituals', which are the 'meaningless works'!

Humanity has to undergo a 'spiritual reformation' based on the TRUTH, God's WORD!

As with Noah, Abraham, Moses, Joshua, Gideon, David, it is going to take a man of God, to lead us out of Egypt & into Canaan!

Given that God looks on the 'heart of man' he has anointed Donald Trump in this present era to be that person! 1 Sam 6:17, Rom 9:25-26

Is 65:1 "I was ready to be sought by those who did not ask for me; I was ready to be found by those who did not seek me. I said, “Here am I, here am I,” to a nation that did not call on my name".

Remember, Abraham was the son of an 'idol maker' who separated from Satan by obeying God! Looking at what Pres Trump has been through in the last 8 years from 'lawfare, persecution, to being shot', I think he has qualified to be separated from Satan on quite a significant level, compared to most other people, including those reading this!

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The PM apparently says the cost of living is under control. He is living a fantasy and possibly has not been to a supermarket for a fair while. People now go to the shops and come back with a list of what they can no longer afford. The Grocery Commissioner no doubt does his best in a no-win situation, but this crisis continues and will influence my vote next time.

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I suppose, on paper you can argue things are better if you look at inflation numbers etc But we all know that it doesn't feel like that when we go to the supermarket, fuel up the car, or pay for the school supplies.

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