No. Wrong. The real question that should be asked is why this alleged Chinese hacking, which took place 2-3 years prior, has only been publicised just now??? Is it actually a tactical move to create a smokescreen to divert public attention from the MUCH MORE SERIOUS matter of the Inspector General of Intelligence's recent report on a 'capacity' or MULTIPLE 'capacities' that were installed into our very nerve centre in our capital city. This is the complete loss of our human rights and national sovereignty. And even the IGI didn't have the guts to tell us who it was that did that? Was it NSA? Or MOSSAD? We don't even know who has planted this very cancer into our public body, to eat away at our very vitality? The pesky mosquito of a little hacking event by some far eastern broadcasting division just pales in comparison to this more serious malady afflicting our body politique.....

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Exactly...get got done by a "partner" as well as China...friends ?

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Over blown stuff. Why are we getting hot under the collar about a hack into PCO systems (which I presume contain only In Confidence data such as draft legislation etc) while earlier in the week a far more concerning situation was made public - namely that GCSB allowed in a foreign country to undertake spying activities without even informing the elected government? The anti China stuff is clearly CIA initiated 5 eyes fear tactics.

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If Aukus is nuclear enabled then it is unsuitable for both us and the overwhelming majority of Pacific Islands, so badly affected by testing and militarism and war before now. So that’s a false equivalency. Lesser evil? Either way they’re evil and the results of both are evil if it’s militarism and war. I suggest we just down tech, purchase defensive air system’s and prepare for shelter as Europe had to and is pleased it did to shelter its population now. We can barely cope with an earthquake or climate event as it stands now let alone the elephants fighting around us.

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AUKUS has a nuclear component, known as Pillar I - primarily submarines. New Zealand looking at Pillar II which is about technology; so not nuclear aspects. It is this area I am most keen we explore.

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We’re buggered on the security front when it comes to China anyway. The number of digital data routing and control devices scattered throughout our private and government networks with “Made in China” stamped on them is such that we’re at the mercy of the CCCP already. I suspect that if they so wished they could pretty much ha,string, if not cripple, us tomorrow but they’re keeping that ace up their sleeve for times of open hostilities. For the foreseeable future they’ll just keep playing with us.

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Interoperability is likely needed but ultimately this tech has been used against NZers by both China and the US against us all along with most of our infrastructure profits being transferred there. Economic warfare …so given our forte is food production and creative industries and people we should invest in what we’re good at and limit weaponry wealth transfer to the US to defensive capacity only and only in our region. It’s tempting to get involved but we can’t afford to while people don’t have adequate housing, health and Dickensian disease problems including child poverty, insecure borders, reliant on immigration for skilled labour. We can see what happens when AI and tech is used against a population right now and the Pacific was these militarists testing ground before. Causing untold irreparable damage.

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Yes, great piece. Anne-Marie Brady alerted me, along with Michael Reddell's amplification of her stuff. As he says, vile regime. Trotter wrote a good piece recently too. Thanks.

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Serious stuff...it really needs to be addressed.

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