The long march through the institutions continues. National has much work yet to do. It’ll need to give someone the task - just tinkering around the edges won’t do much.

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The National Library situation is a perfect illustration of this long march.

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Must read: The Madness of Crowds by Douglas Murray.

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oh, an excellent book as you know.

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Superb wordsmithing Simon

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Thanks John and best wishes for the season

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I stopped listening to Kim Hill and National Radio several years ago when I decided that regular peaks of outrage were really not good for my physical or mental health. Viewing even a few minutes of this interview brought all those feelings back, though this was even worse than I remember. That woman looks and sounds deranged. And, not to be trite, but what's with the hairdo? Was she trying to out-Boris Boris? Or is this her regular presentation these days? I couldn't bear to watch more, this was truly an embarrassment.

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frustratingly, we are seeing more and more reporters making the stories about themselves.

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Well said Simon

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Thanks Hal

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And that collapse cannot come soon enough. There is not a day that passes where the MSM do not outdo themselves with yet more bias propaganda in the desperate attempt to manipulate public opinion, and create groupthink. I personally boycott MSM, for their utter betrayal of their purported role as the Fourth Estate, and their ongoing attempts to undermine our Nation's Democratic traditions. A pox on them all.

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The main stream media set the agenda and decide what is 'news'. It's been going on for centuries. Consider the words of the poet A S J Tessimond in 1936:

"The ancient custom of deception, A press that seldom stoops to lies, Merely suppresses truth and twists it, Blandly corrupt and slyly wise."

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A valid point; such dynamics are not new. I do wonder if they [media] are now meeting other, commercial realities and social media dynamics, which together is leading to the decline. Granted, we are seeing both a commercial decline and decline in trust.

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What all these 'bleeding heart liberals' & 'closet Marxists' need to recognise, is the state & reality of New Zealand prior to 'colonisation', & what 'we all' have now in terms of freedoms, private ownership, safety, technology, (yes your washing machine & fridge) & not fighting 'internecine & tribal wars', & being a 'serf or slave' under some 'chief or despot'!

That is what we will return to if these people have their way! They being the 'puppeteers' & the 'useful idiots'!

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The media serves no one but itself. When the current lot go bankrupt, another lot will be ready to take over. The current lot have already become largely irrelevant, shouting into their own shrinking echo chambers. It’s cyclical and their replacements are already here, fragmented on different platforms, but here nevertheless.

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Hill represents the 'shallow, narcissistic, simplistic' thinking of the Left, wrapped in pseudo-intellectual thought!

Adopting a position of 'sympathy for the devil', these people are part of the 'hurt brigade' that want to blame others, not take responsibility for their lives, & dump on what is far better than what any 'socialist Marxist' country has come up with, & they have no tolerance for any kind of dissent or disagreement as we plainly see today, with the labelling of people who 'simply disagree' with them as 'racists, homophobes, supremacists, colonisers, patriarchists'!

There goal is to divide, cause mayhem, anarchy & 'conquer'! As Te Pati Maori are doing right now! What they are doing is dishonouring the Treaty in this case, & committing treason as some of their ancestors did post 1840, hence they had their lands confiscated as punishment!

Note what Sir Apirana Ngata said: https://www.nzcpr.com/wp-content/uploads/2013/10/TreatyOfWaitangiBySirApiranaNgata.pdf: p.37

"In conclusion I would just like to say a word about the

lands that were confiscated by past Governments.

Some have said that these confiscations were wrong

and that they contravened the articles of the Treaty of


The Government placed in the hands of the Queen of

England, the sovereignty and the authority to make

laws. Some sections of the Maori people violated that

authority. War arose from this and blood was spilled.

The law came into operation and land was taken in

payment. This itself is a Maori custom - revenge,

plunder to avenge a wrong. It was their own chiefs

who ceded that right to the Queen. The confiscations

cannot therefore be objected to in the light of the


A rising tide lifts all ships as has happened over the last 200 years!

After 1840 New Zealand became a 'self-governing nation' based on the 'rule of law', & what is called Democracy where the people get a say in how their country is run, not a 'small elite group' of any race!

We don't want 'godless Globalist entities' dictating to us how we should live our lives, & seeking to run our country through 'naïve, confused & dangerous wannabees'!

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