The progressive left are obsessed with 'threats to democracy' but seem willfully oblivious to their own anti-democratic behaviours which are arguably democracy's greatest domestic challenge today.
The parallels between the post-election breast-beating in the US now and what is continuing here since the last election are virtually identical. Neither the Democrats nor Labour ask "What did Trump/the coalition get right in their reading of the electorate" but instead flounder around in a myopic swamp of "Where did we go wrong". These may be the obverse sides of the same coin but to the moderately intelligent voter the answers are blindingly clear: all the institutions of liberal democracies are so enamoured of the success of their espousal of critical social justice that they are closed to any analysis of what is actual reality for the majority. I could turn this into an extended rant on the role our universities and MSM play in this but instead I'll just remember that while we have commentators like yourself some hope of eventual balance remains, even if not in my lifetime (I'm 76).
I fully agree with the parallels. The inability of people to reflect on the why of losing does concern me; instead they just attack and blame everyone else. Hardly constructive or democratic.
💯 correct Simon. This was so noticeable during the previous 2 elections even here in NZ. The media mocked and belittled any of the right wing parties and still do attack our democratically elected leaders (on the right) at every opportunity. Ardern was never challenged nor asked any real questions when goodness knows the majority of us wanted answers yet were blocked and denied even the opportunity to ask. It’s absolutely unacceptable how Donald Trump is shamelessly portrayed as a demonic untrustworthy criminal by our media to the extent that Luxon can’t even say that he welcomes the new administration but simply that “he’ll find a way to work with Trump”. The majority of Americans are sick to death of woke ideology (just like we were here) and welcome a more conservative, common sense leadership which is more centred on Americans needs, Christian based morals, building and benefiting American families. We would do well to take a leaf out of their books. More and more people are moving away from the propaganda of our national broadcast “news” because of the thinly veiled bias. It’s time we stopped publically funding this pointless propaganda machine they do not benefit nor speak for the majority of us whom are paying to keep it going. We’re tired of listening to their minority backed extreme left “opinions” it’s actually not news at all it’s opinion.
Yes I believe “humble pie” is going to be in very big demand on the world menu in the coming weeks. It’s a sad indictment on our country when our government is manipulated and controlled by the narrow views of our media.
100%! I’ve just pre recorded an interview for my Friday radio show (on RCR) with a political commentator in the UK. It’s clear the comments of many Labour MPs and now Ministers about Trump are a big potential problem.
Very well said Simon. The Left needs to be called out on their undemocratic and relativistic behaviour. I have taken the liberty of cross posting your article and hope you don't mind.
The illiberal liberalism of the Left, and there adoption of increasingly Authoritarian policies under the guise of promoting safety and security is deeply troubling and a direct attack on our Democratic traditions. The election result in the US shows that despite the overwhelming resources devoted to demonizing Trump and promoting the so called morally righteous "progressive" narrative a majority of voters rejected it.
Unless the middle class is prepared to fight for it, the recent golden era of democracy has but a few nails left to go into its coffin.
My punt is that those nails will be driven home in the next 20 years (and I have a history of underestimating the speed of change).
March on the New Order - whatever it may be - as watching something so good come to its end in one’s lifetime is a sad, sad thing to be wished only upon those blindly marching towards it singing their anthems and spouting their idiotic mantras.
agreed - 'history' is moving faster, so this change will come swiftly. It will only be after many fundamental freedoms are gone will many of the activists wake up and realise what they were truly pushing for (and won't be happy ... but arguably will be too late)
Love him or loathe him, American voters saw through the propaganda to correct the trajectory of the left, and gave Trump a strong mandate. We saw the same conditions here in NZ last year where the people decided another term of a Labour led administration was not for them.
Simon, you raise interesting points about the potential for the demise of democracy. I breathed a huge sigh of relief that the American people chose to reject the Democrats - they have done the world a huge favour.
I'm intrigued with the choices Trump is making in the appointment of key roles... his legacy will hopefully be a refreshed America where socialistic style divide-and-rule politics are set to be a historic footnote for at least the next 3 four year terms.
My only concern is a successful assassination, however this said it would stain the Democrats with his blood and cement Trump's historic legacy. The MAGA movement would survive with renewed fervour and a growing legion of supporters under a JD Vance presidency.
Very good! A very insightful video that affirms your analysis is the very good YouTube video "Philosopher Michael Sandel on What Trump’s Win Says About American Society" - and similar arguments apply here.
I think the real issue is that the Left's main concerns (having given up completely on the rise and rise of extreme wealth and extreme inequality) are no longer socialist or communitarian but indivualist and identitarian. A left that seemingly cannot contemplate a roll back of the 1984-1990 market reforms is not worth much. The current offering, instead of societal transformation, does things like offering medical transformations and their ugly sequellae in the form of restraints on speech and thought. It is a very poor alternative.
Agreed and such a strange change. The left have definitely abandoned their traditional ground and one reason why the 'right' are winning over the workers.
Simon , you have worked in Government, the 'belly of the beast', so you know how it works, the 'actors' that are in the Beehive!
I'm sure you could expose a lot of the 'unprincipled things' that take place in Government, not to mention the 'mismotivated & compromised' people hanging out there!
Parliament is meant to be a democratic institute consisting of a 'Debating Chamber', NOT a 'performing arts venue'! Te Papa is down the road!
We can't have a PM who says 'debate' on the Treaty of Waitangi is not helpful & is divisive, when everyday for over a century it has been 'dividing' us due to our ignorance of what it truly states!
Talk about the 'Emperor's clothes'!
We NOW have an inability to tell the truth for fear of hurting someone's feelings or offending them!
That is a 'total abrogation' of our responsibility as citizens of New Zealand, & what was behind the Treaty being penned in the first place! Law & order & establishing civil society centring on God's Word! Mt 28:18-20
'Discipling nations' is 'colonising nations' with God's Word to establish His governance through His people, Dan 7:27, 1 Peter 2:4-9, NOT Satan's people!
The Crown represents Christ, not some 'secular humanist king' if you study English history! Who crowned King Charles recently!
Therefore Mt 6:33, Mt 6:9-10, Mt 28:18-20 => Is 9:6-7, Dan 7:27 = Dominion!
Note what Jesus said:
Mt 10:34 “Do not think that I have come to bring peace on earth; I have not come to bring peace, but a sword. 35 For I have come to set a man against his father, and a daughter against her mother, and a daughter-in-law against her mother-in-law; 36 and a man’s foes will be those of his own household. 37 He who loves father or mother more than me is not worthy of me; and he who loves son or daughter more than me is not worthy of me; 38 and he who does not take his cross and follow me is not worthy of me. 39 He who finds his life will lose it, and he who loses his life for my sake will find it".
It's the truth that divides us; "sheep & goats, wheat & chaff"! One to be 'stored', the other to be 'thrown on the fire'!
Some of us just can't 'handle the truth'!
Karl Marx was a 'prophet', 'apologist' & 'theologian' for Satan!
We are either for Jesus & his teachings, or against him, & he who does not gather with him scatters.
Mt 28:19 "Go therefore and make 'DISCIPLES of all NATIONS', baptizing them in the name of the Father and of the Son and of the Holy Spirit, 20 teaching them to OBEY all that I have 'commanded' you"!
That is what Queen Victoria did in 1840! That's the 'providential crux' of the matter!
So how much TREASON has there been since 1840, & especially today, on full display?
The spirit of the anti-Christ is well & truly in our midst, which is what Marxism & Communism truly are, as is being expressed & exposed in Parliament!
New Zealanders have to decide what type of country they want, hence the 'Treaty Principles Bill', & minimally a debate on it!
Why is Chris Luxon so opposed to it? That's the question he needs to answer 'under rigour'! And why is Winston Peters 'playing coy & hard to get'!
The 'left wing' originated in the 'left hand thief', who being crucified next to Jesus, 'carped & railed' at Jesus, that being the 'spirit of the left' we have today in our politics & society as a whole!
The 'left' are largely the 'godless, confused & resentful' people of our society, who 'missed the boat' one way or another!
That was the nature of Lucifer prior to attacking Eve, destroying Adam & then God's Kingdom & civil society!
That is the playbook unfolding today with the media acting as a 'Fifth Column' to push that agenda, engineered by those we call the Globalists! The 'Goliath' of today's godless Philistines!
Democracy has been subverted towards a 'Marxian worldview' to once again undermine God's Kingdom! Mt 6:33
Those who know God, believe in the Ten Commandments, must 'STAND FIRM & TAKE ACTION' , Dan 11:32, & push back on the 'Globalist acolytes' no matter who they are, including Chris Luxon who can't accept we need to have an honest debate about what the 'Treaty of Waitangi' actually says, NOT some made up imagined version the 'Waitangi Tribunal' & others have promulgated!
When we can't talk about things, then you know we have shifted from Democracy to Totalitarianism!
Too many New Zealanders are 'unwittingly' & also 'wittingly' supporting this shift!
Evil didn't go away just because we won a few wars, & then 'supposedly' had a few 'democratic elections'!
'Elected oligarchies' are ALSO NOT Democracy!
Only an 'engaged vigilant people' can offset the evil that is 'couching at our door'! Hence, Dan 11:32!
Our responsibility is to "Seek FIRST God's Kingdom & His Righteousness", Mt 6:33, NOT promote a Hellenist worldview, which even Democracy is!
The Template/Action we need to be taking is: Mt 6:33, Mt 6:9-10, Mt 28:18-20 => Is 9:6-7, Dan 7:27, 1 Peter 2:4-9 = Gen 1:27-28 = DOMINION
For those who subscribe to a Judeo-Christian worldview, that is the 'responsibility & mandate' that we were given, as stated in the Bible! Mt 28:18-20 & as above.
'Disciple' = Govern!
We are either for God, Jesus & Scripture, or against them!
Being 'lukewarm will just get us spewed out'! Rev 3:15-17 & 1-3
Humanity has to decide whether they believe in God or NOT!
If so, then we must OBEY God's Commandments! Deut 4 & 8, Jn 14:21-24, Heb 5:8-9, Mt 12:46-50, Jn 7:17, Jn 12:47-50
Ignorance of God's Will, will NOT be an excuse! Everyone will be held accountable for what they DID with their life! Mt 25:24-30, Rev 20:12, Rom 2:6-16
It's time for the 'believers' of the world to unite! Jn 17:20-23
Defeating evil has always been predicated on 'good people' uniting, 'STANDING FIRM & TAKING ACTION'! Dan 11:32
Cowardice only brings 'suffering & tragedy'! Rev 21:8
Silence in the face of evil is consent! It's also referred to as the 'Sin of Omission'! Heb 10:26-31
Ultimately we will be judged by God's Word, the truth, whether we are a believer or NOT:
Jn 12:47 "If any one hears my sayings and does not keep them, I do not judge him; for I did not come to judge the world but to save the world. 48 He who rejects me and does not receive my sayings has a judge; the 'word that I have spoken will be his 'judge' on the last day'. 49 For I have not spoken on my own authority; the Father who sent me has himself given me 'commandment' what to say and what to speak. 50 And I know that his commandment is eternal life. What I say, therefore, I say as the Father has bidden me.”
At the end of the day it's NOT about what we 'believe' that matters, but what we DO:
Mt 7:21 “Not EVERYONE who says to me, ‘Lord, Lord,’ shall ENTER the kingdom of heaven, but he who 'DOES the WILL' of my Father who is in heaven. 22 On that day many will say to me, ‘Lord, Lord, did we not 'prophesy' in your name, and 'cast out demons' in your name, and 'do many mighty works' in your name?’ 23 And then will I DECLARE to them, ‘I NEVER KNEW you; DEPART from me, you EVILDOERS".
Just believing in Jesus doesn't CUT IT! "Even the demons believe"!
We have to take ACTION, obeying Jesus! Rev 3:1-3, Rev 20:12, Rom 2:6-16, Heb 5:8-9, Mt 28:19-20
I'm saying these things for a reason! If we don't understand these points, we can not succeed & be 'victorious'! Rev 21:7, Rev 3:5
To accomplish what Jesus 'mandated', we have to 'shed our blood, sweat & tears' in this physical world! Mt 10:38-39
"Thy Kingdom come, Thy Will be DONE on EARTH as it is in Heaven"! Mt 6:9-10
God gave Adam & Eve a Commandment, just as Jesus gave us a Commandment! It is called the Great Commission! Mt 28:18-20, Mt 6:33 => Is 9:6-7, Dan 7:27 = Gen 1:27-28 = DOMINION!
Satan is working hard to STOP us from accomplishing this as we witness in what is happening in the world around us, & as Simon has been sharing with us!
It's our job to recognise that & fight back as a 'unified body' representing God's worldview & His Word!
This current 'Coalition Govt' needs to wake up & understand this, so they can DO God's Will!
Humanity needs a paradigm shift in understanding God & His Will, hence Dan 11:32!
Faith is NOT just about Sundays, but every day! Faith must translate into ACTION & therefore define our culture!
Which is Mt 28:18-20!
Currently we have Marxism defining our culture = 'Cultural Marxism'!
The shift we must make is to God's Kingdom! Mt 6:33
Democracy has been a 'stepping stone' in order to accomplish that! Now that 'stepping stone's' use by date is up, as God is 'pushing' for His Kingdom!
When the baby is due, then it must be 'delivered', as we must 'deliver' God's Kingdom from the Fallen World, (Lk 17:20-21) & as Moses delivered the Hebrews out of Egypt! Same meaning!
So NOW it is time to 'push', or we & our civilisation will DIE!
The parallels between the post-election breast-beating in the US now and what is continuing here since the last election are virtually identical. Neither the Democrats nor Labour ask "What did Trump/the coalition get right in their reading of the electorate" but instead flounder around in a myopic swamp of "Where did we go wrong". These may be the obverse sides of the same coin but to the moderately intelligent voter the answers are blindingly clear: all the institutions of liberal democracies are so enamoured of the success of their espousal of critical social justice that they are closed to any analysis of what is actual reality for the majority. I could turn this into an extended rant on the role our universities and MSM play in this but instead I'll just remember that while we have commentators like yourself some hope of eventual balance remains, even if not in my lifetime (I'm 76).
I fully agree with the parallels. The inability of people to reflect on the why of losing does concern me; instead they just attack and blame everyone else. Hardly constructive or democratic.
So good Simon! Totally 💯 percent true…very trying times and I blame the mainstream media mostly!
Thanks for your work !
Thanks Robyn. I often think commentators and others are looking in the wrong direction with much of this discussion.
Well with the media looking in only one direction , we need commentator’s like you to give us the other side…and we so need this! Means a lot! 🙏
💯 correct Simon. This was so noticeable during the previous 2 elections even here in NZ. The media mocked and belittled any of the right wing parties and still do attack our democratically elected leaders (on the right) at every opportunity. Ardern was never challenged nor asked any real questions when goodness knows the majority of us wanted answers yet were blocked and denied even the opportunity to ask. It’s absolutely unacceptable how Donald Trump is shamelessly portrayed as a demonic untrustworthy criminal by our media to the extent that Luxon can’t even say that he welcomes the new administration but simply that “he’ll find a way to work with Trump”. The majority of Americans are sick to death of woke ideology (just like we were here) and welcome a more conservative, common sense leadership which is more centred on Americans needs, Christian based morals, building and benefiting American families. We would do well to take a leaf out of their books. More and more people are moving away from the propaganda of our national broadcast “news” because of the thinly veiled bias. It’s time we stopped publically funding this pointless propaganda machine they do not benefit nor speak for the majority of us whom are paying to keep it going. We’re tired of listening to their minority backed extreme left “opinions” it’s actually not news at all it’s opinion.
I think NZ's leaders previous comments, be it Luxon, Seymour, and others will cost us. Trump doesn't tend to forget.
Yes I believe “humble pie” is going to be in very big demand on the world menu in the coming weeks. It’s a sad indictment on our country when our government is manipulated and controlled by the narrow views of our media.
100%! I’ve just pre recorded an interview for my Friday radio show (on RCR) with a political commentator in the UK. It’s clear the comments of many Labour MPs and now Ministers about Trump are a big potential problem.
👍🏼 I’ll definitely listen to that - thanks for your considered and balanced interviews, podcasts and virepoints.
Very well said Simon. The Left needs to be called out on their undemocratic and relativistic behaviour. I have taken the liberty of cross posting your article and hope you don't mind.
Thank you and always be welcome to share. My thanks for your own writings - I enjoy reading them.
Niice to know the people finally saw through the Democrats propaganda.
Thanks Laurie
The illiberal liberalism of the Left, and there adoption of increasingly Authoritarian policies under the guise of promoting safety and security is deeply troubling and a direct attack on our Democratic traditions. The election result in the US shows that despite the overwhelming resources devoted to demonizing Trump and promoting the so called morally righteous "progressive" narrative a majority of voters rejected it.
Well said!
Unless the middle class is prepared to fight for it, the recent golden era of democracy has but a few nails left to go into its coffin.
My punt is that those nails will be driven home in the next 20 years (and I have a history of underestimating the speed of change).
March on the New Order - whatever it may be - as watching something so good come to its end in one’s lifetime is a sad, sad thing to be wished only upon those blindly marching towards it singing their anthems and spouting their idiotic mantras.
agreed - 'history' is moving faster, so this change will come swiftly. It will only be after many fundamental freedoms are gone will many of the activists wake up and realise what they were truly pushing for (and won't be happy ... but arguably will be too late)
Love him or loathe him, American voters saw through the propaganda to correct the trajectory of the left, and gave Trump a strong mandate. We saw the same conditions here in NZ last year where the people decided another term of a Labour led administration was not for them.
Simon, you raise interesting points about the potential for the demise of democracy. I breathed a huge sigh of relief that the American people chose to reject the Democrats - they have done the world a huge favour.
I'm intrigued with the choices Trump is making in the appointment of key roles... his legacy will hopefully be a refreshed America where socialistic style divide-and-rule politics are set to be a historic footnote for at least the next 3 four year terms.
The intention of the appointments could see a near-seismic shift in American politics. I will be watching with great interest!
My only concern is a successful assassination, however this said it would stain the Democrats with his blood and cement Trump's historic legacy. The MAGA movement would survive with renewed fervour and a growing legion of supporters under a JD Vance presidency.
I appreciate your commentary, it's all on point.
Very good! A very insightful video that affirms your analysis is the very good YouTube video "Philosopher Michael Sandel on What Trump’s Win Says About American Society" - and similar arguments apply here.
I’ll check that out
Perceptive and helpful piece Simon.
Thanks Bruce
I think the real issue is that the Left's main concerns (having given up completely on the rise and rise of extreme wealth and extreme inequality) are no longer socialist or communitarian but indivualist and identitarian. A left that seemingly cannot contemplate a roll back of the 1984-1990 market reforms is not worth much. The current offering, instead of societal transformation, does things like offering medical transformations and their ugly sequellae in the form of restraints on speech and thought. It is a very poor alternative.
Agreed and such a strange change. The left have definitely abandoned their traditional ground and one reason why the 'right' are winning over the workers.
Simon , you have worked in Government, the 'belly of the beast', so you know how it works, the 'actors' that are in the Beehive!
I'm sure you could expose a lot of the 'unprincipled things' that take place in Government, not to mention the 'mismotivated & compromised' people hanging out there!
Parliament is meant to be a democratic institute consisting of a 'Debating Chamber', NOT a 'performing arts venue'! Te Papa is down the road!
We can't have a PM who says 'debate' on the Treaty of Waitangi is not helpful & is divisive, when everyday for over a century it has been 'dividing' us due to our ignorance of what it truly states!
Talk about the 'Emperor's clothes'!
We NOW have an inability to tell the truth for fear of hurting someone's feelings or offending them!
That is a 'total abrogation' of our responsibility as citizens of New Zealand, & what was behind the Treaty being penned in the first place! Law & order & establishing civil society centring on God's Word! Mt 28:18-20
'Discipling nations' is 'colonising nations' with God's Word to establish His governance through His people, Dan 7:27, 1 Peter 2:4-9, NOT Satan's people!
The Crown represents Christ, not some 'secular humanist king' if you study English history! Who crowned King Charles recently!
Therefore Mt 6:33, Mt 6:9-10, Mt 28:18-20 => Is 9:6-7, Dan 7:27 = Dominion!
Note what Jesus said:
Mt 10:34 “Do not think that I have come to bring peace on earth; I have not come to bring peace, but a sword. 35 For I have come to set a man against his father, and a daughter against her mother, and a daughter-in-law against her mother-in-law; 36 and a man’s foes will be those of his own household. 37 He who loves father or mother more than me is not worthy of me; and he who loves son or daughter more than me is not worthy of me; 38 and he who does not take his cross and follow me is not worthy of me. 39 He who finds his life will lose it, and he who loses his life for my sake will find it".
It's the truth that divides us; "sheep & goats, wheat & chaff"! One to be 'stored', the other to be 'thrown on the fire'!
Some of us just can't 'handle the truth'!
Karl Marx was a 'prophet', 'apologist' & 'theologian' for Satan!
We are either for Jesus & his teachings, or against him, & he who does not gather with him scatters.
Mt 28:19 "Go therefore and make 'DISCIPLES of all NATIONS', baptizing them in the name of the Father and of the Son and of the Holy Spirit, 20 teaching them to OBEY all that I have 'commanded' you"!
That is what Queen Victoria did in 1840! That's the 'providential crux' of the matter!
So how much TREASON has there been since 1840, & especially today, on full display?
The spirit of the anti-Christ is well & truly in our midst, which is what Marxism & Communism truly are, as is being expressed & exposed in Parliament!
New Zealanders have to decide what type of country they want, hence the 'Treaty Principles Bill', & minimally a debate on it!
Why is Chris Luxon so opposed to it? That's the question he needs to answer 'under rigour'! And why is Winston Peters 'playing coy & hard to get'!
So many mismotivated people!
The 'left wing' originated in the 'left hand thief', who being crucified next to Jesus, 'carped & railed' at Jesus, that being the 'spirit of the left' we have today in our politics & society as a whole!
The 'left' are largely the 'godless, confused & resentful' people of our society, who 'missed the boat' one way or another!
That was the nature of Lucifer prior to attacking Eve, destroying Adam & then God's Kingdom & civil society!
That is the playbook unfolding today with the media acting as a 'Fifth Column' to push that agenda, engineered by those we call the Globalists! The 'Goliath' of today's godless Philistines!
Democracy has been subverted towards a 'Marxian worldview' to once again undermine God's Kingdom! Mt 6:33
Those who know God, believe in the Ten Commandments, must 'STAND FIRM & TAKE ACTION' , Dan 11:32, & push back on the 'Globalist acolytes' no matter who they are, including Chris Luxon who can't accept we need to have an honest debate about what the 'Treaty of Waitangi' actually says, NOT some made up imagined version the 'Waitangi Tribunal' & others have promulgated!
When we can't talk about things, then you know we have shifted from Democracy to Totalitarianism!
Too many New Zealanders are 'unwittingly' & also 'wittingly' supporting this shift!
Evil didn't go away just because we won a few wars, & then 'supposedly' had a few 'democratic elections'!
'Elected oligarchies' are ALSO NOT Democracy!
Only an 'engaged vigilant people' can offset the evil that is 'couching at our door'! Hence, Dan 11:32!
Our responsibility is to "Seek FIRST God's Kingdom & His Righteousness", Mt 6:33, NOT promote a Hellenist worldview, which even Democracy is!
The Template/Action we need to be taking is: Mt 6:33, Mt 6:9-10, Mt 28:18-20 => Is 9:6-7, Dan 7:27, 1 Peter 2:4-9 = Gen 1:27-28 = DOMINION
For those who subscribe to a Judeo-Christian worldview, that is the 'responsibility & mandate' that we were given, as stated in the Bible! Mt 28:18-20 & as above.
'Disciple' = Govern!
We are either for God, Jesus & Scripture, or against them!
Being 'lukewarm will just get us spewed out'! Rev 3:15-17 & 1-3
Humanity has to decide whether they believe in God or NOT!
If so, then we must OBEY God's Commandments! Deut 4 & 8, Jn 14:21-24, Heb 5:8-9, Mt 12:46-50, Jn 7:17, Jn 12:47-50
Ignorance of God's Will, will NOT be an excuse! Everyone will be held accountable for what they DID with their life! Mt 25:24-30, Rev 20:12, Rom 2:6-16
Especially now I have told you all these things!
It's time for the 'believers' of the world to unite! Jn 17:20-23
Defeating evil has always been predicated on 'good people' uniting, 'STANDING FIRM & TAKING ACTION'! Dan 11:32
Cowardice only brings 'suffering & tragedy'! Rev 21:8
Silence in the face of evil is consent! It's also referred to as the 'Sin of Omission'! Heb 10:26-31
Ultimately we will be judged by God's Word, the truth, whether we are a believer or NOT:
Jn 12:47 "If any one hears my sayings and does not keep them, I do not judge him; for I did not come to judge the world but to save the world. 48 He who rejects me and does not receive my sayings has a judge; the 'word that I have spoken will be his 'judge' on the last day'. 49 For I have not spoken on my own authority; the Father who sent me has himself given me 'commandment' what to say and what to speak. 50 And I know that his commandment is eternal life. What I say, therefore, I say as the Father has bidden me.”
At the end of the day it's NOT about what we 'believe' that matters, but what we DO:
Mt 7:21 “Not EVERYONE who says to me, ‘Lord, Lord,’ shall ENTER the kingdom of heaven, but he who 'DOES the WILL' of my Father who is in heaven. 22 On that day many will say to me, ‘Lord, Lord, did we not 'prophesy' in your name, and 'cast out demons' in your name, and 'do many mighty works' in your name?’ 23 And then will I DECLARE to them, ‘I NEVER KNEW you; DEPART from me, you EVILDOERS".
Just believing in Jesus doesn't CUT IT! "Even the demons believe"!
We have to take ACTION, obeying Jesus! Rev 3:1-3, Rev 20:12, Rom 2:6-16, Heb 5:8-9, Mt 28:19-20
I'm saying these things for a reason! If we don't understand these points, we can not succeed & be 'victorious'! Rev 21:7, Rev 3:5
To accomplish what Jesus 'mandated', we have to 'shed our blood, sweat & tears' in this physical world! Mt 10:38-39
"Thy Kingdom come, Thy Will be DONE on EARTH as it is in Heaven"! Mt 6:9-10
God gave Adam & Eve a Commandment, just as Jesus gave us a Commandment! It is called the Great Commission! Mt 28:18-20, Mt 6:33 => Is 9:6-7, Dan 7:27 = Gen 1:27-28 = DOMINION!
Satan is working hard to STOP us from accomplishing this as we witness in what is happening in the world around us, & as Simon has been sharing with us!
It's our job to recognise that & fight back as a 'unified body' representing God's worldview & His Word!
This current 'Coalition Govt' needs to wake up & understand this, so they can DO God's Will!
Humanity needs a paradigm shift in understanding God & His Will, hence Dan 11:32!
Faith is NOT just about Sundays, but every day! Faith must translate into ACTION & therefore define our culture!
Which is Mt 28:18-20!
Currently we have Marxism defining our culture = 'Cultural Marxism'!
The shift we must make is to God's Kingdom! Mt 6:33
Democracy has been a 'stepping stone' in order to accomplish that! Now that 'stepping stone's' use by date is up, as God is 'pushing' for His Kingdom!
When the baby is due, then it must be 'delivered', as we must 'deliver' God's Kingdom from the Fallen World, (Lk 17:20-21) & as Moses delivered the Hebrews out of Egypt! Same meaning!
So NOW it is time to 'push', or we & our civilisation will DIE!
Mt 7:24-27