This is what happens under 'totalitarian regimes' as it did under the former Soviet Union, Eastern Europe & still today in China!

After two World Wars & the Cold War, here we are again, with this type of 'draconian behaviour' & 'selective persecution' taking place in the world today, in what are supposedly Parliamentary Democracies or Republics, which now also includes England, Canada, America & Europe, where too, democratic principles, traditions & natural justice are being tossed out, should alarm everybody!

We NOW have the 'ideologies' of Cultural Marxism & Progressivism attacking traditional faith based Judeo-Christian beliefs in an effort to demonise, marginalise, & repress the Christian based worldview, that ironically brought into reality most of the freedoms we enjoy today or the environment to make it possible!

This is the Marxist Dialectic in full cry! The 'Thesis' must be removed by the 'Antithesis' to allow the new 'Synthesis' to emerge or be 'born', that being the great Communist or equally Totalitarian Materialist state! In other words, 'evil dominates & destroys good' as has happened all throughout history, but now the Marxists/Communists/Progressives have an 'ideological framework & justification' to DO so! Their own version of 'apologetics' in play!

Ideologically they need to be defeated, & where they have broken laws dating back at least to the 'inception & meaning' of the Magna Carta; arrested, tried & convicted!

We are again in another 'ideological war', having real world consequences, because we didn't 'double tap' Marxism/Communism when we could have!

We have been focused on our own 'panelled homes', & NOT God's House/Kingdom! Hag 1:1-11, Mt 6:24

Hence Satan invaded the 'BODY'! Ezek 37:10

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The Progressive left neo-Marxists have gained considerable power and influence in the West. USA, Canada, UK, Australia, France and several other European countries are heavily influenced by neo-Marxist philosophy and policies. Here in NZ, Labour, the Greens, and TPM are all proponents of the Progressive movement. Observers of history know that Marxism is an evil, and fundamentally flawed philosophy. It must be opposed, discredited and denounced at every opportunity. It can and must be defeated.

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100%. Sadly, people keep thinking they can 'redeem' it this time and get it right. What they fail to understand is that it is a fundamentally flawed ideology. Sadly, it usually takes the destruction of an economy, the undermining of a nation, and the death of hundreds of thousands for them to work it out.

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"For evil to prevail, all that is needed is for good men to do nothing!" A far better person than me said this but I can only endorse it.

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I can’t believe how things have come to this sick agenda and I fear for my little grandchildren and all of the children growing up into this world of more and more stupidity, and control!!

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It's called EVIL! Read my comment above!

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It sure is! And I try to alert others but they are just sailing into this tyranny without a care 😨

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As did millions in the time of Stalin, Lenin, Pol Pot. Sadly, there will be those again who , no matter what you say or do, will not see it coming.

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All the more reason to stand your ground and do not comply. We are at war albeit is not the type of war we are used too. This is a war of stealth and deception where insane laws are conjured up in the night and written into legislation and all individual basic human rights are ignored. Where the left , along with a paid army of NGO's are determined to delete known history along with democracy, any way they can and by any means they can. I too have grandchildren and I'm happy to die fighting this tyranny. They won't be vaccinating my family while I still draw breath.

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This is what happens when society turns away from God. It is happening because we have been without a Pope since at least 1964. All subsequent claimants have public taught heresies already condemned by the Church and couldn’t hold offices in her.

The Pope’s temporal power is the spring from which Christendom grows. As his temporal power has diminished society has declined.

The solution to this crisis is a return to the Church but not the modernist sect created at Vatican II but the only holy, Catholic and Apostolic Church of our great grandparents, which exists only in some of the Eastern Rites of the Church and Roman Rite groups that lack canonical approval.

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